Quality and Homogeneity Control in Feed Production




In-Line Monitoring of Nutritional Values and Mixing Process




This application outlines the implementation of a Polispec NIR system in a feed mill to monitor the nutritional content and the homogeneity of the raw material mix that composes the final feed product. The system ensures in real-time that the nutritional values comply with the predefined formulation and verifies the uniformity of the product during the mixing process. The resulting feed is then pelleted and/or bagged.






Feed production requires precise control of nutritional values and mixing to ensure the quality and consistency of the final product. Errors in composition or mixing can compromise the feed’s characteristics and its acceptability for animals.

The Polispec NIR system was integrated into the production line to continuously monitor critical parameters, improving the production process by ensuring the feed meets nutritional specifications and is homogeneous.



  • Verify that the nutritional content of the raw material mix matches the established formulation.
  • Ensure homogeneity during the mixing process.
  • Reduce waste and improve the overall quality of the final feed product.







The Polispec NIR system was installed along the mixing process.

The continuous analyses enable total and in-real-time control.






Process Steps

  1. Nutritional Value Monitoring: Polispec NIR analyzes the nutritional content of the raw material mix in real-time.
  2. Homogeneity Verification: Continuous measurements ensure proper mixing of the product.
  3. Output: The controlled product is subsequently pelleted or bagged for distribution.


Results and Discussion

Implementing the Polispec Lite system has enabled:

  • Improved quality control in feed production.
  • Homogeneous production that meets nutritional specifications.
  • Reduction in non-compliance issues and waste-related costs.



The installation of a Polispec NIR system in a feed mill has proven to be an effective solution for in-line monitoring of nutritional values and mixing. This approach ensures high-quality finished feed, meeting formulations and industry demands.


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